Saturday 24 April 2010

Where good molluscs go bad. Welcome to sexyland.

We got across the canal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We reached Corinth outskirts the night before. We camped in the area of Agios Georgios where we were given a great big field to eat (GEORGE) and to camp in, (ME)

In the morning I awoke to find a blurred but sinister shape above me. It was a snail, trying to get me, but my wonderful tent was keeping it at bay...

was this a good omen or a bad one?

On our way to the bridge at Loutraki we had to cross the main street of Corinth.

George took the opportunity to release the inner child of many of the good burgers of the town by doing a large dropping in the square. There was a lot of sniggering, and NO gentlemanly attempts to spare my blushes by pretending nothing untoward had happened.

Quite the opposite:

Poooooooh!!!!! smellyyy!!! said someone in perfect English

Sue mentioned she would like to see some closeups of George. What redblooded horse owner could resist an invitation to show off the many excellences of her pride and joy? So..TWO photos of George - after we crossed the canal. Which..after all the fuss I made, and all the worrying and dreading I had been doing.. was REALLY easy.

George was totally unaffected by the noise of the traffic bumping over the bridge, which six years ago had sent him insane. There was hardly any traffic. So we walked across the bridge. Cars waited patiently, drivers waved in a friendly way. Couldn`t have been easier.

But I had got myself so worked up that I had to have a couple of hours rest once we got across.
Last time we crossed the canal we then went into Loutraki, passing a huge sign which said "Welcome to sexy land"
I don`t know if the sign is still there as I decided NOT to go into Loutraki and along the promenade, but to go up into the forest above Loutraki and cross the mountain there.
Ought to be easy but was difficult. You see the roads and those on my map had no real similarity. Well. When I found myself on a four lane highway, I decided I`d better ask someone where I was. I spotted an outrageously handsome young man unpacking his sports equipment from his posh car prior to going into a sports centre.
Excuse me..I said.. could you help me?"
He gave a start, like a frightened fawn, and then ignored me. So I asked again.
"depends what kind of help" he said sheepishly.
Whatever kind of help did he THINK I wanted?
He was relieved to find I only wanted him to look at and interpret the map.
For several hours George and I climbed the steep paths into that very interesting and splendid forest.
It was when we stopped for the night that I realised that maybe it was something about my appearance that may have unnerved the young man in Loutraki.
Split crotch johdpurs.! Just the thing for sexyland, of course..but..
But enough to make any respectable young man very apprehensive indeed.
O the shame!!!!! I`ve mended the johds now, but I have to wear my fleece, tied round my waist and covering my bum....and I`ll have to do that until I get to a place which sells sweat pants..,because my OTHER johds gave up the ghost some time ago.. though less publicly..
More about the very wonderful forest above Loutraki later.. I`m writing this in an internet cafe because POXY VODAPHONE have yet again messed up my contract...
Just a quick reminder that if you go to MY COMPLETE PROFILE you can find two other lesser blogs: About George and Bling`s Blog. Both of these have got extra info..
And also don`t forget to have a look at the PAGES.
Blog again soon as I get Vodaphone under control...
Welcome to all new followers, and great to hear from all the people who left comments.


  1. WHAT a beautiful boy he is (and doesn't he know it [like any good Greek male!])! I wonder if he's growing up, by being able to cross the Corinth Canal without throwing a wobbly. He's probably lulling you into a false sense of security. And shame on you for showing him up with split jodhs ...

  2. Hello Pen, sorry to be away for so long...
    But never missing your postings!
    Trying to follow you on Google Maps.
    The snail IS a good omen!!!
    Keep trecking! The "Derelict Boys" are behind you!

  3. For those finding it hard to post a comment:
    After you write your comment, click on the down arrow next to "Select profile", choose "Name/URL", type in your name (so you're not anonymous), then click "Preview" (seems to guarantee a posting), type in the funny word and click "Post Comment"! Good luck!

  4. Oh he's even better close up! Thanks Penny. Good luck finding the right jods.

  5. Hey Penny
    Hope you and George are Great and dont have a hard time with the heat and so on... we are waiting for your next descriptions of your wonderfull trip...
    xxxxxxxxxx Dorina & Akis
